the Wanderling

"On Monday, July 16, 1945, a few weeks before their first meeting, during the very early pre-dawn hours my Uncle, who lived in New Mexico, was startled, along with many others no doubt, by a huge flash of light that filled the whole of the night sky in a giant half bubble arc across the desert toward White Sands. Unknown to him at the time, that flash was associated with the first atomic device ever set off on the face of the earth."


Although most historians would go along with the above and what my Uncle observed that morning on July 16, 1945 was in fact "the first atomic device ever set off on the face of the earth," there exists nonetheless, strong rumors and reports to the effect that it is just not the case. Contrary to the typically accepted historical facts there are a number sources that say on October 12, 1944, nine months before the New Mexico U.S. nuclear device was set off, Nazi Germany detonated a nuclear bomb on the island of Rugen in the Baltic Sea, the first in a series of three tests.

It has been reported that Luigi Romersa, an Italian correspondent during World War II, was personally dispatched by the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) to the island of Rugen to witness the weapons test. Romersa (1917-2007) was the last known witness, at least to have come forward, to what he and some historians have said was the detonation of a Nazi nuclear device. In an article by John Hooper in The Guardian dated September 30, 2005, Romersa, relating his experience, is quoted as saying:

"They took me to a concrete bunker with an aperture of exceptionally thick glass. At a certain moment, the news came through that detonation was imminent," he said. "There was a slight tremor in the bunker; a sudden, blinding flash, and then a thick cloud of smoke. It took the shape of a column and then that of a big flower.

"The officials there told me we had to remain in the bunker for several hours because of the effects of the bomb. When we eventually left, they made us put on a sort of coat and trousers which seemed to me to be made of asbestos and we went to the scene of the explosion, which was about one and a half kilometers away.

"The effects were tragic. The trees around had been turned to carbon. No leaves. Nothing alive. There were some animals - sheep - in the area and they too had been burnt to cinders."

The other two devices were set off on March 4, 1945 and March 12, 1945. Both were detonated in the central part of Germany in the German mountain and forest state of Thuringia near the town of Ohrdruf. The test is said to have killed over 700 POWs interred in the Ohrdruf concentration camp located practically under ground zero. Those killed were burned, survivors suffered from severe nosebleeds and untreatable burns. Clare Werner, a resident who happened to be standing on a nearby hillside witnessed the explosion in what she termed as a military training area not far from the town of Ohrdruf. About what she observed she has stated:

"It was about 9:30 when I suddenly saw something ... it was as bright as hundreds of bolts of lightning, red on the inside and yellow on the outside, so bright you could've read the newspaper. It all happened so quickly, and then we couldn't see anything at all. We noticed there was a powerful wind, then nose bleeds, headaches and pressure in the ears."

The next day a man named Heinz Wachsmut, an employee of a local excavating company, was ordered by the SS to assist in building wooden platforms to cremate the remains of the corpses of the prisoners. According to Wachsmut the bodies were covered with horrific burn wounds. He also reported, like Werner, that local residents complained of headaches, and spitting up blood.

Now, the question is, is any, all, or none of the above true or not. To determine an answer, I provide without comment, after a brief preface, the following from a totally neutral party that has over 1346 pages and over 5,000 photographs on the internet documenting the atrocities committed during World War II by the Nazis in their concentration camps, as so sourced at the end of the article. As a preface, that is setting the scene, Ohrdruf was the first and only concentration camp that the Supreme Allied Commander, General Eisenhower ever visited.

Captain Alois Liethen was a U.S. Intelligence Officer assigned to Ohrdruf to investigate the camp for the military. The question I ask as does the source ask:

Why was Captain Alois Liethen investigating this small, obscure forced labor camp long before he arrived in Germany? Why did all the US Army generals visit this small camp and no other? Could it be because there was something else of great interest in the Ohrdruf area besides the Fuhrer bunker and the salt mine where Nazi treasures were stored?

The Buchenwald camp had been liberated the day before the visit to the Ohrdruf camp. At Buchenwald, there were shrunken heads, human skin lampshades and ashtrays made from human bones. At Ohrdruf, there was nothing to see except a shed filled with 40 bodies. So why did Captain Alois Liethen take the four generals to Ohrdruf instead of Buchenwald?

What was Captain Liethen referring to when he wrote these words in a letter to his family?

After looking the place over for nearly a whole day I came back and made an oral report to my commanding general -- rather I was ordered to do so by my boss, the Col. in my section. Then after I had told him all about the place he got in touch with the High Command and told them about it and the following tale bears out what they did about it.

There has been some speculation that the Germans might have tested an atomic bomb near Ohrdruf. In his book entitled The SS Brotherhood of the Bell, author James P. Farrell wrote about "the alleged German test of a small critial mass, high yield atom bomb at or near the Ohrdruf troop parade ground on March 4, 1945." The "troop parade ground" was at the German Army Base right next to the Ohrdruf labor camp.

Why did General Eisenhower immediately order a propaganda campaign about Nazi atrocities? Was it to distract the media from discovering a far more important story?(source)

The distraction, of course, was the Germans having detonated a nuclear bomb, a major game changer for the Third Reich depending on what their intent was relative to its use. That late in the war was just what they needed, a game changer, and an Atomic bomb, like the Nagasaki bomb did for the U.S., would have done it. The question is, what would that use as a game changer have been. Again-and-again when researching the German nuke you read where the scientists working on the program stalled the forward momentum. However, the device used in Rugen Island blast was said to have bypassed the heavy-water bomb and went straight to the use of uranium and done so under the direct hand of the SS. During the war the Germans were obsessed with the destruction of Hoover Dam on one hand and the bombing of the city of New York on the other. Most likely any fully operable and deliverable atomic device would have been aimed toward nothing but the destruction of New York City. Why one of the three wasn't is not known. Or is it? Hoover Dam was another thing.

"During World War II a large portion of the German military hierarchy, all the while raging war all over Europe, Russia and North Africa, still found time to seem excessively over obsessed with destroying a variety of high priority targets in the United States. Their selection of targets were for both psychological intimidating reasons as well as the actual destruction of important war related infrastructure. Sites continually brought up for attack were, among others, New York City, Washington D.C., the defense plants in and around Detroit, and Hoover Dam. Plan after plan for one or the other came on the table. Some plans were rejected as logistically infeasible or to costly relative to the results. However, some plans, seemingly falling into both categories were tested and/or actually put into motion. One of those plans, an attack against Hoover Dam was implemented in more than one way."(source)

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The problem was that the bomb wasn't done. Not only did the Germans need an ultimate game changer at the top they were running out of time at the bottom and needed something significantly major to stall things on the short term so the bomb could be completed beyond a test stage into an actually deliverable weapon.

For that short term gap the Germans turned to the conventional, using their vastly accumulated knowledge gained from building and using a relatively long string of successful undersea craft over two wars, quickly designed, built, and implemented a special submersible they called a Vergeltungswaffen, a V-weapon, i.e., vengeance weapon, made for one specific purpose and one specific purpose only: the destruction of Hoover Dam.


What was the sub made of or carrying that the Germans could have developed that would have accomplish such a task to such a point that the submarine itself would come to be called a vengeance weapon? The mission had all probabilities of being detected prior to reaching or accomplishing its goal, so for the Reich to have incorporated some sort of non-conventional top secret weapon they had on the shelf such as an operational heavy water bomb or the German atomic bomb --- or something even more non-probable such as a particle beam delivery system requiring something as large as the sub to power it is questionable at best. Plus, nothing has ever come forward indicating the Germans had any sort of weaponry similar to the task or at that level they were willing to transport that far abroad, so they mated their already known up to that point rocket technology with their underwater craft expertise using a special built submersible and a new, albeit off the shelf rocket known as a Rheintochter R 1. The major drawback with the Rheintochter as opposed to the V-2 was that unlike the V-2 that had a fairly accurate travel distance of several hundred miles, the Rheintochter had a short range, meaning it's launch point had to be close to the target. In the case of Hoover Dam it had to be right on top of the target because of the amount of payload it was expected to carry. Hence the submersible.

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Unlike V-2s and the vast majority of other operational German retaliatory type rocketry weapons, which used liquid fuel which inturn would make transporting and use extremely difficult, the Rheintochter R 1 was solid fueled meaning it would be fully operational on a moments notice and able to withstand long term transportation over rough seas or tumultuous rivers without special handling.


A few years after the war, in conjunction with planned attacks against Hoover Dam, a little known side note surfaced. A man who identified himself as having been a stereograph photo interpreter during World War II for the OSS, the pre-runner to the CIA, while going over aerial photo survey maps working for a U.S. based oil company after the war, came across a strikingly familiar visual structure he recognized from his OSS days scouring aerial photo maps of Europe. The problem with what he found was it was out in the middle of the American desert southwest. Without anybody's knowledge and on his own he went out to look it over. What he found was what looked like a long abandoned structure in various stages of construction or dismantling, with all the similarities and configurations of a V-1 launch ramp located 50 or more miles south-south west from Hoover Dam with the launch-ramp rails aimed directly toward Hoover Dam. The V-1 was a well known weapon used by the Germans toward the end of the war. A surface-to-surface missile capable of carrying nearly a one ton explosive payload, totally enough to bring down the dam in a straight on hit, especially in the upper reaches. The V-1, however, was unguided. It had to have a direct line of sight launch of which the ramp in the desert seemed to provide. They did though, have a manned version. See:


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On a number of my websites, including the Meeting Dr La Paz site listed as the source for the opening quote at the top of the page, I have stated over-and-over that the nuclear explosion at Trinity Site in New Mexico on Monday, July 16, 1945 was the first atomic device ever set off on the face of the Earth. I'm sticking to that overall premise in my works such as the La Paz site as well as the sites listed below continue to reflect. In the end what I have presented about the German bomb being the first or not doesn't impact the overall thesis in what I have presented elsewhere about the American bomb being first. Either way, if you take the potential possibility of the Germans having set off not just one, but a total of three nuclear devices practically before the U.S. even built the drop tower at Trinity site as being accurate, you have to admit it is mighty, mighty interesting.

As for back-up proof, there are two additional examples below that are highly involved in events surrounding the aforementioned German or Nazi atomic bomb, and if not substantiating the German nuke and it's detonation, put forward a strong case for same. Unlike some of my sites that mention America's atomic bomb in some fashion or the other as listed further down, they are not specifically related only to the Trinity Site. Both sites do however, involve my uncle with the first one also involving a man of some mystery by the name of William Lawrence Campbell (linked below), as well as the Russians, the Nazis and arctic Siberia. The second one circulates around the Japanese setting off a nuclear weapon at a test facility in Japanese occupied North Korea within days of the Hiroshima bomb.

(for more on Trinity Site please click image)

During the closing days of World War II the Russians absconded something or some things from the Germans apparently too large, bulky, or heavy to be transported via available aircraft at their disposal. The only alternative for a quick and expedient method for transporting something of a large size secretly and without excess outside scrutiny or takeover was apparently via their own Soviet controlled railroad through Soviet owned or occupied territory.

However, somewhere along the way, in or near the far reaches of Arctic Siberia, either while still on the train or after it had been transferred to vehicles, it disappeared. That is to say, somewhere between the time it left wherever it left and it was to get to wherever it was going, it never arrived. Since there were no witnesses (at least left alive) the Soviets figured the only people able to pull off such a large scale operation undetected and get away with it would be upper echelon German military remnants with a concerned interest, Nazi rogues or sympathizers, or the Americans. The problem with any German or German related operatives is that they wouldn't have anyplace to take it nor the support infrastructure to put it to any use except to market it to the highest bidder. If it was the Americans, or the Americans in cahoots with Germans of any stripe, whatever the Russians had they couldn't admit they had it so they couldn't complain that the Americans had done it. So too, if it was the Americans, they could neither admit they had whatever it was, or, if it came out that they did, it would imply through inference that the Americans would have to had transgressed sovereign Soviet territory.

Since the above information was put online quite a number of emails have been received wanting to know just what the "it" was that the Soviets absconded from the Nazis at the close of the war in Europe. Other than the somewhat ambiguous highly classified information or material connected to the German rocket scientist Werner Von Braun and that whatever the Soviets absconded with was apparently secretly transported to Siberia by train, not much else was said.

Sometime right after the end of World War II my uncle crossed paths with a man named William Lawrence Campbell who had been exploring the high mesa Camp Diablo site where a 130 pound meteorite fragment from the same meteor that created Meteor Crater only 60 miles away and buried ritual style was found, to scavenging meteorite scraps from the Canyon Diablo scatter field surrounding Meteor Crater for a friend of my uncle's, Dr. Harvey Nininger, founder of the American Meteorite Museum, the first meteorite museum in the world. In those days, early to mid 1946, Campbell, former military that he was, was almost borderline paranoid with little or no trust of anybody. He usually sat with his back to the wall, was continually looking over his shoulder, and invariably jumped at the slightest sound, re the following:

"(Campbell) purposely kept a low profile by anonymously losing himself in the vastness of the desert southwest immediatly after being mustered out of the Army at the end of World War II. He basically disappeared as quickly as possible, or at least it has been intimated, because of charges of misconduct unbecoming of a person in uniform. Apparently some sort of highly classified information or material connected to the German rocket scientist Werner Von Braun absconded by the Soviets in the closing days of the war and of a high interest to the United States, was being secretly transported by train across Siberia. It was then off-loaded and moved via convoy to a very remote area in the far north. It never arrived at it's destination all of it having simply disappeared enroute. Campbell, who had been operating in the Arctic regions for the U.S. Army Air Corps for a good part of the war, was somehow caught up in the disappearance." (source)

As time wore on and the war and wartime experiences faded into the background he mellowed. During that same period, for whatever reason, he and my uncle formed a bond, and with that bond there developed an opening to some wartime background experiences including some of the things already alluded to. Campbell was extremely tight lipped about the Siberia thing and to my knowledge he never told anybody other than my uncle about it that I know of. If my uncle knew any more than what I have written up to this point he never revealed it to me in an out-and-out blatant fashion. However, over the years I have extrapolated a number of small mentions here and there and putting them together have come up with a pretty good picture.

Basically it starts around what is mentioned in the main text above and the German nuclear weapon, that is, the central part of Germany in the German mountain and forest state of Thuringia near the town of Ohrdruf. From that, correlating dates, I discovered the one time top secret info on the test of an explosive device of an extreme nature that occurred that was said to have killed over 700 POWs interred in the Ohrdruf concentration camp located practically under ground zero of the explosion. That explosion is said to have been the second of two nuclear devices the Germans set off just at the end of the war. What Campbell was apparently involved in, as a member of a covert military team, was the hijacking of all the bomb development related records, physical material used in the construction of the bomb, and equipment to do so while it was in transit by the Russians to Siberia. Much of the knowledge garnered from the hijacked material was said to have been incorporated into the U.S. efforts that led to the destruction of Hiroshima, something Campbell was not comfortable living with.

With all of Campbell's personal loathing about the U.S attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki the Japanese weren't exactly angels themselves, having their own nuke program which they would have used against us given the chance. Like the Germans they were making strides, but just enough behind the U.S. efforts they were not able to use theirs first. There are strong rumors to the effect that the Japanese set off a test bomb in North Korea within days of America's attack on their homeland. Interestingly enough, the exact same way Campbell was in on the U.S absconding with all kinds of German stuff related to the Nazi bomb that I have presented above, in a tit-for-tat duplication of the American efforts, except this time they got away with it, the Russians swept down on the Japanese test site in North Korea and took all the Japanese stuff, including their scientists, back to Russia before we could. Never to be seen again of course.

Below, for your own edification, is a list of the other websites wherein I mention the 1945 U.S. New Mexico nuclear test at Trinity Site in some fashion, most commonly related back to my uncle and then how atomic bombs and atomic bomb tests, German or American, circle back to what I have presented elsewhere in my works:

The question is, why would I, a known Zen-man of some repute as found in Dark Luminosity and elsewhere, have or display any interest other than at the most cursory in where, when, who, or how the first atomic bomb, be they German, Japanese, or U.S., was developed, detonated, or delivered --- especially so at such a level that I have been compelled to put forth several pages to no end about it?

Which brings us to the second example, which primarily has to do with my uncle specifically, and who, after the death of my mother, was so prominent in my early childhood development and upbringing, especially after my father remarried and my Stepmother entered the picture.

Some years prior to my uncle becoming my guardian he was biosearching in the back country of New Mexico not far from the top secret Los Alamos nuclear facilities when he came across some rather alarming Axis-induced fifth column activities, and having done so, being shot point blank by foreign operatives and left to die because of it.

The year was 1943, the war wasn't even a year old, my uncle was a civilian living in New Mexico and for sure a non-combatant, actually falling more into a role of a conscientious objector type than anything else. He had long been established as an artist in the region, but he was as well what I call a biosearcher. Prior to his death in 1989 he had, as a biosearcher, more than a half dozen plant species named after him following years of trekking, searching, and discovering previously unknown and unnamed plants all over mostly remote and hidden areas and sections of the desert southwest.

In 1943 he was biosearching alone in the then largely uninhabited mountainous and desert-like terrain in the central section of New Mexico between the New Mexico and Arizona border on the west and the north-to-south flowing Rio Grande on the east when he came across two men, and unusually so, both Asian. One of men was flat on his back all but unconscious and visibly quite ill after apparently having been bitten by a rattlesnake with the bite being left untreated. My uncle, after using the healing properties of indigenous plants he gathered up, soon found the man up and around. One of the men who had a rudimentary use of English told my uncle they were Japanese, were testing soil samples for radioactivity, and had been left off in Mexico by submarine. By then my uncle was wanting to beat a hasty retreat but before he could one of the men shot him in the back point blank. They took his truck and although they left him to bleed out he survived. In 1985 a book titled The Japanese Secret War authored by Robert K. Wilcox was published. In the book Wilcox writes about the two Japanese men my uncle encountered and the U-boat they arrived in, of which I turn around and write about as found in the sourced link below the quote so cited:

"Wilcox's book that, for the first time brought to the public's attention Japanese agents having been in the desert southwest during World War II specifically tasked with testing soil samples for radiation, was published in 1985. It was in 1970, fifteen years before Wilcox's book was published that my uncle told me about his 1943 encounter with Japanese spies soil testing deep into state of New Mexico and the fact that according to their own testimony, they had initially been brought to Mexico via German U-boat from Europe. "





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"I would take the information so provided by the Wanderling with a grain of salt."



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As to the subject of donations, for those of you who may be interested in doing so as it applies to the gratefulness of my works, I invariably suggest any funds be directed toward THE WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT and/or THE AMERICAN RED CROSS.


By the end of the war the Germans were on the ropes and willing to try almost anything. They knew the end was closing in on them and any last major "big bang" of a coup that could possibly turn the tide in their favor, give them a breather, or extend the war long enough to finish the development, operational reliability, and production on some of the weapons they were working on such as the V-2 rocket, Me 262 jet fighter and the massive six engine 7000 mile range Ju 390.

So long range was the abilities of the Ju-390 one was been reported to have left Europe coming in over Canada crossing into U.S. airspace to photograph defense plants in Michigan only to exit out over the Atlantic sometime after noon on August 28, 1943 by coming in behind any east-facing aircraft detection systems and passing directly over New York above the Empire State Building.

Ironically, because of that flyover, reported or otherwise, without any fanfare or raising controversy, a drawing of a six engine German bomber by a New York based artist showed up in a rather innocuous little publication dated January, 1944.(see)

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For years reports have surfaced that the next year, sometime around September 17-19, 1944, a large six engine aircraft painted very dark green and black paint crashed in the sea off Owls Head Lighthouse, Maine. A resident of Burlington, Vermont, Ruben Paul Whittemore, has reported he had relatives who witnessed the recovery of three bodies found in the Penobscot river estuary on September 28, 1944 and taken by the U.S. Coast Guard to Rockland Maine Station. One of the witnesses states he saw one body in a uniform later identified as a German Luftwaffe Signal Corps Uniform, (grey-blue with yellow/brown collar tabs).(see)

Sometime in the mid to late 1990s a scuba diver came across what appeared to be a radial aircraft engine laying on the seabed some distance off the cliffs from the Owls Head lighthouse and traced it along with other pieces of wreckage strewn across the sand back to the main body of the craft the engine and pieces apparently came from. She recovered what has been said to be a constructor's plate with raised lettering, albeit somewhat eroded but still readable, with the following:

RMZ WURKE Nb 135?34 (Allgemiene)
FWU WURKE Nb 135?34 (Gbs: Fliegeroberstkommando Rdt.)

Most people who ascribe any amount of credibility to the downed craft said to be laying in the water off the coast of Maine pretty much agree it's mission was not recon like the August 28, 1943 flight, but to bomb New York. Evidence has surfaced in some quarters the attack would not have been conventional in nature either but possibly nuclear.

It should be brought to the attention of the reader that, even though I emphasize New York as being the target of choice for the Germans, there was as well, the major metropolitan area of London, England, which they had been bombing all along with not only conventional bombs but V-2 rockets as well --- London being much closer and strategically more convenient. However England was prepared and that late in the war Germany was finding it harder and harder to penetrate England's defenses, while New York had none. The following article appeared in the London Daily Telegraph, Saturday, August 11, 1945, two days following the Nagasaki attack and almost one full year AFTER the actual alert was called:

The city of New York had been in the crosshairs of the German military more than once. For example, during World War I, except for fate intervening they came close --- and their method for their planned attack was within reason.

As found reported in ZEPPELINS: High Altitude Warships, near the end of World War I an attack on the city of New York, composed of three special type of rigid airships called Height Climbers, was being put into place and advocated by Korvettenkapitan Peter Strasser. To demonstrate the successful completion of such an attack to the German High Command, Strasser had flown the L-59 nonstop from Bulgaria to the Sudan in Africa and back. The newer Height Climbers had even greater range. Before he had a chance to put the attack into motion, what was to be the lead ship, the L-70, was caught coming in over England at the low altitude --- for a Climber --- of around 17,000 feet and shot out of the sky with Stasser in command. The two other ships trailing behind immediately raised altitude beyond the range of the fighters and escaped. With Strasser dead and the L-70 gone the New York raid was shelved.

Almost right out of high school I got a job with a company that designed and built the breathing equipment for the U-2, the then super-secret high altitude spy plane. Because of the nature of the secrecy surrounding the plane, working there required me to obtain a confidential clearance. Because of that clearance I met a person called "Harry the Man," who, at that time was considered to be the top-rated high altitude breathing equipment specialist in the world. Top-ranked generals and pilots from all over the world would come by to pay him homage. Kelly Johnson of the Lockheed Skunk works was his friend as well as Howard Hughes. Harry had reached that high-exalted position because of what he learned from World War I Zeppelins, especially so the Height Climbers and the need of their crews for oxygen at the extreme altitudes they routinely operated. See:


I have a page on the web called the P-40 Goose Shoot that describes an air battle that occurred over the southern Mediterranean and the coast of North Africa on April 18, 1943. That air battle involved 46 P-40s shooting down a fleet of 100 fully loaded German Junker troop transports flying just above sea level escorted by 50 Messerschmitt fighters, apparently all fleeing Tunisia in a concerted last ditch effort to reach Sicily.

A four page illustrated story on the attack appeared in BLUE BOLT No. 6, dated January, 1944. On my page, as part of what I present regarding the shoot out, I used the four pages. The publication unit for the comic book was based in the city of New York with the art work for that particular story attributed to a man named Harry Ramsey, of which below is one of the pages:

Ramsey has done a fairly good job on his rendition of the P-40s, but note the German bombers --- they are all six-engine models. The Germans had a six engine bomber, the Ju-390, a model that was reportedly never seen before it was photographed by a person onboard a convoy ship supplying the beachhead during the Allied invasion of North Africa in November 1942, a photograph that didn't show up for public viewing until well after that date.

As I have stated previously, it had been reported that the next year a Ju-390 left Europe coming in over Canada crossing into U.S. airspace to photograph defense plants in Michigan only to exit out over the Atlantic sometime after noon on August 28, 1943 by coming in behind any east-facing aircraft detection systems and passing directly over New York above the Empire State Building.(see)

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The question is, how is it Ramsey, who did an excellent job drawing the P-40s come up with the idea of a six-engine German aircraft? Did he just happen to look up from his drawing table on the afternoon of August 28, 1943 and see the fly over of the six-engine Junker and simply incorporate them into his story published January 1944 as though they as a bomber were an everyday German plane? With a slight assist from a fellow artist in the same building the answer is yes.(see)

The difficulty most historians have with such a claim is that the Ju-390's first flight is officially stamped into the records as happening two months later, on October 20 1943. The existence of the Ju-390 over North Africa in November 1942 was not widely known even in the theater of operation and being kept a secret outside of it.




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The range of a Ju-390 was said to have been just slightly over 6,000 miles. Depending where the plane lifted off, a round trip bombing run from somewhere in German occupied Europe, say Mont-de-Marsan near Bordeaux to New York as it has been reported and back during World War II, would have been in the 7,200 mile range. That would make the Ju-390 coming up short by at least 1,200 miles, running out of fuel someplace over the north Atlantic on its return unless it was refueled somewhere, somehow along the way.

It was hoped for by the Germans that they could use the Azores as a refueling stop either coming or going or both. However, by the time the flight was to be put into motion the Azores had already fallen well within the sphere of the Allies and unavailable to the Axis. In that the U.S. over-flight was intended to be a one off round trip sortie, putting into place an elaborate or long term refueling facility would be unnecessary --- not only that, besides blatantly giving away any of their secret intentions, such a facility would also be difficult to construct, support, and defend.

The flight of the Ju-390 from Europe coming in over Canada and into U.S. airspace to photograph defense plants in Michigan only to exit out over the Atlantic sometime after noon on August 28, 1943 by coming in behind any east-facing aircraft detection systems and passing directly over the city of New York is a total different animal. Compared to a strict bombing run on New York and back, flying in over Canada and exiting directly out over the Empire State Building would put somewhere in the vicinity of 1,200 additional miles on a round trip flight --- meaning of course, ending up with a major fuel deficit of at least 2,400 miles returning to Europe.

The Germans knew with the flight distant capabilities of the Ju-390 they could make it to the defense plants in Michigan and back IF the Azores were included. However, the Azores had long been removed from the equation. As usual the Germans had a plan --- or at the very least an ace up their sleeve, no matter how unplayable it may have appeared on the surface. That plan circulated around a practically secret location 350 miles north of the defense plants where two of the Great Lakes, Lake Superior and Lake Huron practically come together at Sault Ste. Marie. It so happened, directly under their flight plan from Canada to Michigan, on the U.S. side right at that conjunction of the two Great Lakes and out in the middle of nowhere, there existed a massive, little used, little known and little defended giant air field.

That airfield, originally built to defend the Soo locks on the Sault Ste. Marie canal had, as depicted above, a triangular shaped configuration of three interconnecting over 5,000 foot long concrete runways. The plan was to use the airfield for a refueling stop. The aircraft would still be carrying some fuel when it set down, just not enough for a complete round trip, and knowing it would take thousands of gallons to top it off and, although there was a possibility the airfield had a store of aviation fuel somewhere, not wanting to take a chance the Germans wanted to ensure not only its availability but that the total control was under their own hand by not tipping their hand. A method was devised and put into place to refuel it. Before the Ju-390 ever left Europe German agents scrounged around for a couple 2 1/2 Ton 6x6 airfield fuel trucks or equivalent.

The location of the airfield was less than six miles due south through the forest from Pendills Bay which is wedged along the lakeshore between the larger Whitefish Bay of the even larger Lake Superior. A ship or a boat with fuel obtained or loaded in Canada from a mother ship would meet the trucks somewhere along the shore near the outlet of Pendills Creek offloading the fuel however difficult, albeit giving a direct easy access through the woods to the airfield.

Trucks of that nature typically carried around 750 gallons of fuel which, to top off the Ju-390, would require either several trucks or several trips or both, none of which is known how it was done. German commandos secured the area long enough for the landing, refueling and takeoff, all of which apparently went off without a hitch. How the offloading of fuel from the ship or boat to shore was accomplished or how the trucks were filled is not known with any amount of certainty. However, over the years following the war quite a number of empty 44 gallon drums similar to the one pictured below were found up and down along the beach and under the water not far Pendills Creek. The tops of the drums were stamped with a number of German words including the date 1943. The words translate roughly into: Kraftstoff = fuel; Feuergefahrlich = highly inflammable or combustible; Wehrmacht = unified armed forces of Nazi Germany.

As to any standing military use or dis-use of the airfield during the time period refered to for the German black ops refueling of the Ju-390, the following has been adapted and presented here from the much longer multi-page article so cited:

Just when the townspeople became used to having 12,000 U.S. military personnel in their town, businesses, and their backyards (where anti-aircraft weapons were sometimes positioned), the buildup was reversed. Before the year 1943 was half over the War Department ordered that by September 1st the entire Sault area contingent be reduced to less than 2,500 officers and men. The aircraft warning installations and anti-aircraft emplacements were also to be abandoned. By the end of 1944 there was only one company of men left at nearby Fort Brady.



The source for the majority of the airfield use by the German bomber is from a personal interview with an actual eyewitness to the event, a former airman doing routine guard duty the night the plane swept on to the base. The quote is from the source so cited:

"He was doing routine guard duty sometime around midnight out along the edges of the facility when he was taken to the ground by a group of armed men. He was tied up and gagged and put with a couple of other G.I.s he knew that were also pulling guard duty, all closely watched over on the tarmac by a guy with a grease gun looking weapon. Soon, out of the dark a huge six engine bomber-like plane with a ton of wheels and later to be seen close up as being painted in a dark camouflage pattern with an iron cross insignia on the side of the fuselage, set down on the runway right in front of him hardly making a sound --- as if it was making an engines off landing. As quick as the plane come to a stop than a tanker truck pulled up and started refueling it. As soon as it emptied a second truck pulled up just as quick. When the refueling was completed he and the other two guards were forcibly nudged to get up and walk toward the plane. At first he thought they were going to be made to get on the plane, but just short of doing so they were forced to their knees and he was sure he was going to be shot in back of the head. Instead they were locked in a close by electrical shed. He could hear the engines start up and the plane begin to taxi, then it was gone. They were able to free themselves but couldn't get out of the shed until someone came across them and let them out."


The above graphic depicts a JU-52, the type troop transport that was on the recipient or loosing end of P-40s during the 100 plane North Africa "Goose Shoot." Notice the three engine tri-motor configuration, a big difference when compared to the six engine plane depicted by the artist.

The question remains, how is it Ramsey, who did an excellent job drawing the P-40s come up with the idea of a six-engine German aircraft? Did he just happen to look up from his drawing table on the afternoon of August 28, 1943 and see the fly over of the six-engine Junker and simply incorporate them into his story published January 1944 as though they as a bomber were an everyday German plane? The following is found on the Goose Shoot page, Footnote [3]:

When my uncle discovered in some roundabout way that he actually knew Harry Ramsey, the artist who did the drawings used in the Goose Shoot, my uncle, knowing how much I loved the story decided to put into place a situation where the two of us could actually meet.

At the time we were talking I didn't know the difference between one German bomber and the next, and for the most part still don't to this day. What was most intriguing for me was that when (Ramsey) was creating the drawings for the story neither did he. One day at lunch or over coffee or drinks, and still struggling with his dilemma to complete the story, he mentioned his bomber problem to a fellow artist who just happened to be a cartoonist drawing comics day-to-day for the same publishing company.

The next day his fellow artist went through his morgue and came up with a series of three or four pencil sketches he drew dated August 1943 of a huge six engine plane with a German insignia on the fuselage he saw flying by his high perch window one day in the sky over New York. Since nobody was excessively over interested in drawings done by some low level cartoonist, he just stuck them away in his morgue. With a few minor changes such as the tail section, from two vertical stabilizers to one, Ramsey used the same low level cartoonist's drawings for his own bomber inspiration.

The photograph of the JU-390 a few paragraphs above-back, said to have been taken from a convoy ship supplying the beachhead during Operation Torch, the Allied invasion of North Africa in late 1942. The following is fairly typical of what is found written about the sighting and photograph:

"Interestingly the photo snapped of RC+DA was taken during an attack on a Malta Convoy in 1942, suggesting this aircraft was possibly operated by LTS.290 in North Africa. The photo clearly shows a white 'Afrika' band used for identification of German aircraft operating in the Mediterranean, or North Africa. The photo was taken by merchant seaman Ron Whylie whilst his convoy KMF-5 was under attack in late 1942. The date alone disrupts claims that the first J-390 flight was made in 1943.

"A copy of his photo of RC+DA was long held by the Museum in Vienna and published by German test pilot Hans Werner Lerche in his own autobiography. Lerche confirmed the aircraft RC+DA was indeed a Ju-390 aircraft."(source)

There are as well many comments, both pro and con, about the possibility of the photo being "photoshopped." However, personally I have a tendency to lean toward the "not photoshopped" side, especially since strong evidence exists that the photo has long been known to exist in its present form with no known reason for it to have been modified, that is there was nothing to gain as the original owner, as far as I have been able to discern, had no dog in the hunt.

According to the well researched work of Sy Gunson as so sourced at the end of this section and pretty well backed up elsewhere by others in their own research, the Ju-390 aircraft marked RC+DA was in fact attached to LTS.290 and was involved in the ferrying of freight to Tunisia in 1943. The photo of RC+DA is given credit to having been taken by a merchant seaman named Ron Wylie of convoy KMF-5 while in support of Operation TORCH.

Confirmation of this is that RC+DA displays the white North Africa service fuselage band used up to May 1945 by LTS.290. LTS.290 used a number of early Ju.290 prototypes and Ju.90 aircraft to ferry supplies to Tunisia in the closing stages of of the North Africa campaign. No Ju-290 nor Ju-390 would have used this white band after May 1943.

Gunson states it is not a photo montage at all. The reknown Ju-390 test pilot Hans Werner Lerche in his autobiography refers to RC+DA in his book and mentions it as the other Ju-390.

It's first test flight was well before October 20, 1943 which is asserted by authors Gunther & Ott. October 20th was in fact the date when the Allies intercepted a diplomatic signal to Tokyo giving a table of performance details for the Ju-390, which was so explicit that it was impossible for a program of test flights to have established all this in just the last ten days of october 1944. A USN Intelligence report in June 1945 asserts the Japanese already had full performance details for the Ju-390 by October 1943.(source)


NOTE: If you go to the Gunson link above please note that two of his major areas of interest, and quite by coincidence by the way, match two of my areas of interest as well. First, the mysterious German U-boat U-196 and secondly, as reported on this page, the potential possibility of not only a Nazi atomic bomb prior to the end of World War II, but also the actual testing of one.

For more on the JU-390 photograph see:



Most people who are familiar with my online works know that when I was in high school and spent the summers on the ranch owned by my Stepmother, or ex-stepmother as the case may be in that she and my dad had divorced by then, that she had a whole series of ranch-like jobs, or chores as she called them, for me to do, some less glamorous than others. One of those chores, on the slightly more glamorous side than shoveling up horse poop, was cleaning up the tables located in and around the floor space on either side of the dance hall on Sunday mornings following the western hoedowns and minor ruckuses from the night before. That same chore included as well, serving and bussing the tables for the breakfast hold overs and those nurturing headaches from that same night before. Even though I was a worker bee just doing his job, most were aware I was the son of the owner which in turn gave me a little more status and leeway with the customers and any interaction thereof.

One Sunday morning a man stepped up to the table the ranch foreman was having breakfast with a group of friends and introduced himself as a geologist while at the same time handing the foreman a photograph. The geologist said he had overheard a conversation a week of so before where basically the same group was discussing a German submarine attack on Hoover Dam. Before they had a chance to throw him out he quickly interjected that during World War II he had worked as a stereograph photo interpreter for the OSS. Right away hearing the acronym "OSS" and with most knowing what it meant their ears perked up with the foreman, after seeing the photo and hearing the OSS quip, asking him to sit down.

The geologist told the group with the war over and now a civilian, his area of employment expertise was investigating large geologic land forms after finding them through photographic aerial surveys, an almost direct job cross-transformation from his previous duties with the OSS except now he was employed by major and even minor oil companies primarily because of an incident that caused a national frenzy in 1948 near the small northwestern corner town of Aztec, New Mexico.

The man said that some time back during the routine viewing of aerial surveys of the outwash plain due west of the Colorado River and about 70 miles south-south-west of Hoover Dam he came across a land form that had all the appearances of being the remains of a very ancient meteorite impact crater. As far as he was concerned, although previously unidentified and unnamed, the aerial photographs clearly showed discernable remnants of a circular crater outer ring sporting a diameter of approximately 18 miles with a well defined vestige of a central peak. Right away, hoping to possibly get credit for the discovery of a previously unknown impact crater, maybe even having it named after him, he packed up his four wheel drive former Army ambulance converted to a camper van and headed out to the desert to see if any conclusions to what he saw in the photo-survey might have merit.

On his second day of exploration he heard what sounded like the sputtering of the engine of of small plane in trouble. Searching the sky he saw some distance away what looked like a Piper Cub type plane spewing a line of dark to gray smoke out behind it and going down. He immediately got into his truck and started out across the desert to see if he could attend to the matter in some fashion. When he got on the scene it was a Piper Cub type spotter plane with Air Force markings, the pilot sitting alone in the shade of some boulders nearby. He said he had been on his way to an Air Force base north of Las Vegas when the engine caught fire. He tried to level off and set the plane down as easy as possible but the terrain was too rough to allow it, breaking the landing gear and flipping the plane nose down tail up. The pilot said he had time to send out a May Day message before he lost power and everything went dead, although he hadn't received a response. He also said that he fully expected somebody to be there to pick him up without the passage of any amount of time.

Nobody showed up by nightfall so the man made dinner and the two of them crashed for the night. The next morning sitting around drinking coffee a small two man bubble-canopy chopper with only the pilot showed up. After joining for coffee the two of them got in the helicopter and headed out. Before they did they told the man they would appreciate it if he didn't say anything about the plane, the crash or any of the events associated with it. In the process he asked if either of them knew anything about a manmade structure a few miles southeast that appeared to be in the stages of either being built or torn down but in either way, abandoned for a long time nevertheless. Neither of them knew anything about it but the pilot said he would scope it out, flying in the structures direction when they left. The man got in his van and headed in the same direction arriving at the structure some time later. He got out, took a few pictures, did some rough measurements, got back in his van and went back to what he was doing when he first heard the plane the day before

As an OSS photo interpreter during the war he had seen pictures of similar structures before, but while at home he did additional research to see if his hunch was correct, and it was. It was after that he showed up at the ranch and passed the photo around explaining to the group and especially so the ranch foreman what the structure was he saw. Since I never had the photo in my possession where I owned it and it belonged to me, the photo shown a couple of paragraphs below is not the actual photo the man passed around, but it is so close to the original I am including it here for the reader to get a good idea as to what the photo he passed looked like. What the original photo showed and that I saw, was a man-made bolted together single rail metal ramp of some sort standing all by itself out in the middle of the American southwest desert.

The ex-OSS man said after much scrutiny of hundreds of survey photos he was able to find it and get some idea as to its size, length, and location. The thing is, when he went back some weeks later with a friend to help take more photographs along with additional and more accurate on the ground measurements of the structure, there was no sign of it nor did it look like anything had ever been there. He had driven in with his 4X4 van along with his friend to the spot where the small plane went down first and, although the plane as expected was gone, the firepit from he and the pilot's overnight stay was still there. From there he drove across the desert to the spot where the structure was, or at least should have been and nothing. It was gone.

(please click image)

However, when the structure was dismantled and removed without a trace, what the dismantlers didn't know was that when the man was there the first time after leaving the pilot, since he was on BLM or federal land, he wrote out a mining claim statement giving all the locations and descriptions as necessary to file a claim, then put the papers into a Walter Raleigh or Prince Albert-like pipe tobacco tin and stashed it under a pile of rocks. When he did, taking into consideration any sudden heavy rains or flash floods, he built it on higher ground some distance up and away from the structure.

Like the native people that carved the giant stone heads and erected them all over the island of Rapa Nui, after they completed nearly 800 and set most of them upright they suddenly stopped and seemingly just walked away leaving at least 300 unfinished with the tools they worked with just left beside them. The structure in the desert was the same way. If it was being assembled or dismantled is not known, however, although no specific tools were found and not all of the parts were accounted for, there were pieces of metal railings, bracing or struts, and a large number of nuts and bolts of different sizes scattered all over. Because of some kind of gut intuition or instinct the man gathered up a bunch of the materials and buried them near his stone monument after measuring off 25 paces exactly due north. Whoever dismantled and hauled everything off never saw the monument nor the buried material because neither site were disturbed. He also told the group that when he returned home his place had been totally ransacked and all his notes and survey photos gone.

The man, seeing a certain amount of skepticism, even though talking with a group that believed in the possibility of the Germans attacking Hoover Dam with a submarine, told the foreman that he could take him to the spot where he buried parts of the structure, dig them up and show him. The foreman, who fought in the Pacific during World War II had zero knowledge about V-1's found the whole idea interesting but not sure, since a V-1 and a submarine doing the same job was sort of redundant, which agency or agencies in the Third Reich would be responsible. He knew the submarine was true, now he wanted proof of the launch ramp. He also knew to do so would require at least two days off. Taking me with him would also assure an OK from his boss, my stepmother. I went along and I saw the parts.

The ramp location was not far across the California Nevada state line on the California side, around 50 miles south-southwest of Hoover Dam roughly 35 miles parallel west of Davis Dam. The launch starting point, i.e., the lower end of the ramp, was on the south-southwest end, the higher part, the terminus of ramp launch on the east-northeast end. So said, such positioning made the long-length axis of the ramp low end to high launch direction aimed directly straight toward Hoover Dam. Once altitude was achieved the fully unobstructed south facing outside downstream front surface of the dam was fully exposed to an unhindered impact of a potential V-1 launch.

There are a few of things important here. First, the V-1, although crude and cheap to build, it should still be considered a fairly formidable weapon, especially for its time. Unmanned, it carried a nearly one ton destructive payload over a distance of at least 150 miles at over 350 MPH. Secondly, the V-1 was not a rocket. It was powered by a jet engine known as a pulse-jet. No rocketry was involved. So too, although the V-1 was a missile, it wasn't a guided missile, at least in the classical sense. After being launched in a fixed direction toward the target a mile measuring device or counter was set so that after covering a certain distance the engine shut off and the V-1, no longer being powered, just fell out of the sky, Hopefully, for the senders, if the math was right, it fell on the target. For the recipients, their hope was just the opposite. It is thought in a Hoover Dam attack the intention would be for the V-1 to just slam into the outward facing wall head-on with a 2000 pound payload.

There was one more thing the Germans had up their sleeve. A piloted version of the V-1 flying bomb designated the Fi-103 Missile: Reichenberg IV, shown below. Notice the cockpit. The short wingspan, inherit in the basic V-1 design anyway, would be however, perfect for an attack on Hoover Dam flying up the Colorado River between the narrow high canyon walls, although it is not known how maneuverable a manned version of the V-1 was. It shows how desperate the Third Reich was getting late in the war. The Reichenberg IV was basically a kamikaze-like suicide bomb. If you think the whole attack on Hoover Dam is crazy think about it for a minute --- the Germans building manned flying suicide bombs. The pilot can get in, but he can't get out.



V1 launching ramp, by David P Howard
Photo © David P Howard
Available for reuse under this Creative Commons licence


V-1 FLYING BOMB 1942-1952


In September of 1950 a hardbound book called Behind the Flying Saucers was published, immediately becoming an overnight best seller if not an overnight sensation. Written by a man named Frank Scully, the book told about a disc-shaped airborne metallic-like craft said to be extraterrestrial that had supposedly crashed near a small northwest corner community of New Mexico called Aztec in 1948. A number of dead alien bodies scattered around the craft were also said to have been found as well. In 1952, two years after the book went on the market, in the first of two articles published in True Magazine, Scully's story was totally debunked and proven to be nothing but a full on hoax.

Although the content of the book was debunked top to bottom, what came up about the debunking, was that the author Scully, didn't try to pull a fast one but that he himself had totally been scammed. The "scammers" who bamboozled Scully into thinking their story was true as made up of two men, one named Newton and the other, a scientist said to be a doctor, named GeBauer. Their idea for the book was to widen the circle of the number of people who would be willing to buy an electronic device they "invented" that had the ability to find oil by just scanning it over the ground. Such a device was known as a doodlebug in the industry and worked like a divining rod to find water only Geiger counter-like, electronically. The two were taken to court after swindling a rube out of $18,500 for such an oil finding device that could easily be bought for $3.50 in a surplus store, the device being really no more than a tuning unit from surplus Army radio transmitters.

However, between the two year period between the time Scully's book came out and the time it was debunked, as a best seller, it did just what the the two scammers wanted, heighten interest in the possibility of finding oil using an electronic device. Not to be left out, the traditional oil companies began their own searches on the side, electronically and otherwise, hence the use of the World War II OSS stereograph photo interpreter.


Several years later Scully's book played a huge role in another downed saucer incident known as the 1953 Kingman UFO.

During the period between the March 1948 date of the Aztec story and the September 1952 debunking of that story, there was a young boy to teenager who was originally loosly tagged by the pseudonym Chukka Bob until his name was discovered then revealed, living in Farmington, New Mexico, that graduated from high school there in 1950.

Farmington is located only a few miles southwest of the small community of Aztec, the site of the suspected UFO crash Scully wrote about. Scully said the crash happened in March of 1948, Chukka Bob's sophomore year, but it wasn't until spring of his senior year, after Scully's book was published, that the story really took off for him. He and some of his buddies, as did a lot of his classmates, went out to visit the crash site and shared and compared stories day after day. In 1949, before graduation, he joined the New Mexico National Guard and placed on inactive duty because most of his unit had been sent to Korea. In May of 1951, a year after his graduation from high school, he was placed on active duty status and sent to Fort Bliss, Texas bordering up to and just south of White Sands New Mexico. In December, 1952 he received an Honorable Discharge. By then the True Magazine article debunking Scully and the Aztec crash had been published and although the content of the article let a lot of wind out of his sails on his once youthful perspective of UFOs, the exuberance and thrill of it all never truly faded.

After his discharge he went to college earning a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. Following his graduation he rejoined the military, commissioned as an officer, and sent to Vietnam. During his time in college Chukka Bob became an eyewitness to the Kingman event. See: